There is No Such Thing As A Boring House

I grew up poor.

Okay, that’s probably not the way you expected this post to start out, but hear me out.

I grew up poor. Not, “We didd’t have enough money for the latest iPhone or video game console” poor, but one step away from living on the streets poor. Our house had black mold and the a ceiling that caved in. It was literally behind a dump and condemned after we moved out. So when my clients hire me to photograph giant fancy houses I’m in awe and when they hire me to photograph "normal” houses…I am also in awe :P

Some people might say that these houses don’t deserve to be professionally photographed because there is nothing “special” about them. Well, let me tell you, I can find the special in every house I photograph because I remember the days when I thought a condemned home was normal—when our furniture consisted of plastic milk crates. You can rest assured that will never walk into one of your listings and be disappointed. I will never think a house is simply a paycheck. Every house I photograph was someone’s home and will be someone’s home again—and I happen to think that is pretty special.


Haverhill Drive Anderson Indiana Real Estate Photography


State Street New Castle Real Estate Photography